School Education System in Israel

Primary and Secondary Education in Israel is centered around nurturing talents and capabilities in students. The school education system is under the control of the Ministry of Education and there are different types of schools which cater to varying educational requirements.

School attendance is compulsory and free in Israel from ages 6 to 18. Formal schooling commences in primary section from grades one to six and continues further to intermediate school for grades seven to nine and secondary school for grades ten to twelve. According to official estimates, around 9% of post-primary school population in in boarding. Israeli has following types of schools:
  1. State/Mamlachti schools: Major percentage of students attend this type of school
  2. State religious/Mamlachti Dati schools: These emphasize Jewish studies, observance and tradition
  3. Independent Religious/Chinuch Atzmai Schools: These focus on the Talmud and offer less as far as non religious studies are concerned
  4. Private Schools: These are representative of specific principles of schools or based on foreign curriculum
  5. Arab Schools: These offer Arab medium studies and cover Arabic history, culture and religion. 
  6. State Schools: The curriculum of these is 75% state mandated and 25% supplementary. The key curriculum centers around math, linguistic skills, history, science, Jewish studies, physical education, and art. Jewish studies are provided through a natural and cultural prism. Choice of supplementary subjects is through education committees of the schools.
  7. State Religious Schools: Basic curricula of these schools are close to the previous category, but supplementary study emphasizes religious and Jewish studies. Religion norms are also adhered to.
  8. Independent Religious/Chinuch Atzmai Schools: These Talmudic schools stress observance as well as religious studies. Math, language, history and science are not included in the curriculum. These are state supported schools but their curriculum is not under the control of the ministry. 
  9. Independent Private Educational Institutions: These are recognized by the education ministry. They include state determined curriculum  and educational norms of the institution are also under the aegis of the state. 

Curriculum of Schools In Israel

For most of the schools, many hours of the school day are associated with mandatory academic subjects. Subject matter is uniform and same across the system, but all the schools can choose from a wide range of study units as well as teaching matter/subject. 

Secondary Education in Israel

Numerous secondary schools provide academic curricula in science and arts leading to higher education. Matriculation follows completion of secondary school. Certain secondary schools provide specialized subjects culminating in matriculation or vocation diploma. Within the secondary education system, there are several different types of schools:
  • Technical schools: These train technical personnel and engineers at ti-level wherein some are preparing for higher studies, others gaining practical know-how and some aiming for vocation diploma.  
  • Agri schools: These are located in residential areas and they provide basic subjects/ studies plus subjects pertaining to agricultural practices. 
  • Military Preparatories: These are for These are for those who want to join the Israeli Defense Forces. 
  • Yeshiva High Schools: These are boarding schools with different facilities for boys and girls. Secular curriculum is supplemented with intense religion studies and a Jewish culture here.  
  • Comprehensive Schools: These offer vocational training in fields such as electronics and graphic design
  • Youth who are not in any of the above categories of schools must follow the Apprenticeship legal requirement. As per this law, students have to study at mandated vocation school and these programs last for 3 to 4 years. Students can learn numerous skills such as mechanic skills, word processor skills, hair design and styling and so forth.
Ministry of Education mandates the curriculum, standards, supervision and infrastructure of the Israeli education system. Educational Television, a unit of the ministry also broadcasts educational programs for people.

For exceptional students who score in the highest 3% of their class, participation in enrichment programs can range from completely full-time schools which are special to supplementary extracurricular courses. Children with special needs are given education which will equip them to integrate with the social and vocational life of the communities.
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